5 Things Android Needs to Fix to Become a Worthier iOS Rival in 2024
Image source – Google | Image by – Androidcentral

5 Things Android Needs to Fix to Become a Worthier iOS Rival in 2024

5 Things Android Needs to Fix to Become a Worthier iOS Rival in 2024
Image source – Google | Image by – Androidcentral

5 Things Android Needs to Fix to Become a Worthier iOS Rival in 2024

Android has consistently been a strong contender against iOS in the ever-evolving landscape of mobile technology. However, to truly rival Apple’s seamless ecosystem and user experience, there are key areas where Android needs to make significant improvements. Here are the top five things Android needs to fix to become a worthier iOS rival in 2024.

1. ChromeOS Integration

One of the standout features of the Apple ecosystem is the seamless integration between macOS and iOS. Android needs to enhance its ChromeOS integration to provide a similarly cohesive experience. This means better synchronization between devices, more intuitive file sharing, and a unified user interface that makes switching between a Chromebook and an Android phone as effortless as using a MacBook with an iPhone.

Currently, the synergy between ChromeOS and Android is somewhat lacking. Features like Nearby Share and Phone Hub are steps in the right direction, but they must be more robust and feature-rich. Imagine being able to answer calls, respond to messages, and even access apps on your Chromebook directly from your Android phone. Such improvements would not only enhance productivity but also create a more compelling reason for users to invest in the Android ecosystem.

2. Better Wear OS Integration

Wear OS has lagged behind Apple’s watchOS in terms of functionality and user experience. To become a true competitor, Android needs to improve the integration of Wear OS with Android devices. This includes seamless syncing of notifications, better health tracking features, and more responsive performance.

Google has made strides with recent updates, but there is still a long way to go. Enhancing the battery life of Wear OS devices, improving the variety and quality of apps available, and ensuring that the smartwatch experience is as fluid and reliable as Apple’s offering will make Wear OS a more attractive option for consumers. Additionally, tighter integration with Google Assistant and smart home devices can provide a more comprehensive and connected user experience.

3. Smoother Graphics and Better Animations

One of the areas where iOS consistently outperforms Android is in the smoothness of graphics and animations. The fluidity with which iOS handles transitions, scrolling, and gestures is something Android needs to emulate. This involves not just software optimizations but also ensuring that hardware across Android devices can deliver a consistent performance.

Android’s fragmentation means that performance can vary significantly between devices. Google needs to work closely with manufacturers to ensure that high-quality animations and smooth graphics are a standard feature, regardless of the device’s price point. Implementing Project Butter-like initiatives more aggressively can help achieve this goal. By prioritizing smoother performance and reducing lag, Android can enhance the overall user experience and satisfaction.

4. Better Marketing in Major Markets

Apple’s marketing machine is unparalleled, creating immense anticipation and excitement around every new product launch. Android, with its multitude of manufacturers, needs a more unified and compelling marketing strategy to capture consumer interest in major markets.

Google should lead the charge by highlighting the unique strengths of the Android ecosystem, such as customization options, integration with Google services, and the variety of devices available to suit different needs and budgets. Collaborating with manufacturers to create more high-profile, coordinated marketing campaigns can help Android devices gain more visibility and appeal. Additionally, leveraging influencers and tech enthusiasts to showcase the advantages of Android can further boost its image and desirability.

5. More Elegant Hardware

While there are many high-end Android devices with excellent build quality, there is still a perception that iOS devices, particularly iPhones, are more elegant and premium. To change this perception, Android manufacturers need to focus on designing more aesthetically pleasing and durable hardware.

This involves using premium materials, ensuring meticulous attention to detail in design, and creating devices that not only perform well but also feel luxurious to hold and use. Collaboration between Google and manufacturers to set higher standards for hardware design can lead to a more consistent and elevated user experience across the board. Additionally, offering more exclusive features and designs that cater to different tastes can help Android appeal to a broader audience.


To truly rival iOS in 2024, Android needs to address these five key areas: enhancing ChromeOS integration, improving Wear OS functionality, delivering smoother graphics and better animations, executing more effective marketing strategies, and focusing on more elegant hardware design. By making these improvements, Android can offer a more compelling and cohesive experience that rivals the seamless and polished nature of Apple’s ecosystem. As the competition between iOS and Android continues to heat up, these changes could make all the difference in attracting and retaining users.


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